Tuesday, September 18, 2007

While our local "Humane Society" works to help the more visible of the deserving Animals of our Community, what happens to the rest? How many dogs like J Lo leave the shelter through the back doors, dead and in a barrel??

Decades after the "No Kill Revolution" has presented solutions that would end the mass-killing of the approx. 5 million dogs and cats that enter our shelters every year, the sheltering system is still clinging to the antiquated attitude that there are never going to be enough homes for all those considered to be adoptable...this is just not true.

Nathan Winograd has proven that there ARE enough homes and enough compassionate people in EVERY Community, to see that each one of these furry little faces has a warm bed every night, with just a little effort on the part of Compassionate Shelter Management, which we do not have in our "Humane" Society.

Sure, they can and do blame the public for not having their Companion Animals spayed/neutered, licensed or otherwise, but once these Animals wind-up at the Shelter, who's fault is it if they don't leave alive? It's the Shelters fault, that's who's fault it is.

J Lo couldn't tell her own story, neither can the countless other Animals who find themselves hoping someone will come to their rescue and either re-claim them, or offer them a second chance. We are the voice of the voiceless, we will be heard!

As a community, we should DEMAND transparency, and to really see the numbers of the Animals admitted, and those that leave ALIVE. Not in a manufactured "bundle" of statistics, but broken out by type, cat, dog, bunny .... The word "un-adoptable" should always be accompanied with a statement from a professional Behaviorist or Vet, not influnced by the shelter or its personnel in any way.

The word "Aggressive" should be struck from all shelters' vocabulary, as we all know that the number of "Aggressive" dogs entering shelters is far FAR fewer than reported, and there is no such thing as an "aggressive" cat...only a frightened cat.

The "Humane" Society does not treat each Animal with the individualized attention they need or deserve. They fail in many areas, because they refuse to embrace the No Kill Philosophy. They have offered us alternative phrases and names as an excuse for their refusal to stop the killing. No-Kill is No Killing of Adoptable or Medically treatable animals. No-Kill is dropping the shelter's kill rate to less than 10%. (it currently is between 30 % and 40%). No Kill is an open admission facility (our "Humane" Society is not).

They have all the resourses at their disposal to STOP killing! Email, write or call and ask them why they want to continue to kill adoptable animals? DEMAND that in giving your donations you expect them to adopt the No Kill Philosophy, stop the killing of adoptable animals, and rid themselves of all personnel who do not support the philosophy 150%!

Please email your concerns and demands to: boardpresident@green-hill.org

The County Commissioners: peter.sorenson@co.lane.or.us; faye.Stewart@co.lane.or.us; bobby.green@co.lane.or.us; bill.fleenor@co.lane.or.us; bill.Dwyer@co.lane.or.us

Local Media: adamewood@guardnet.com; mcooper@guardnet.com; editor@eugeneweekly.com; rickdancer@kezi.com, matttempleman@kmtr.com, monicaguza@kmtr.com, kurtz@kval.com,
kelliwarner@kmtr.com, reneemccullough@kmtr.com, marcmullins@kmtr.com, josephcalbreath@kmtr.com

1 comment:

Friend of Foggy said...

I don't think Nathan himself could have said it better!!!!

Friend of J-Lo